本帖最后由 superred-fannie 于 2019-12-6 12:28 编辑
201902E29 樊超红 第六课作业
甜心英语系列 Thank You
Thank You是一本带有很强故事感的绘本,没有一句“你要讲礼貌”之类的说教,而是让宝贝在情境中学会表达感谢。它是启蒙读物的标配,简单好读,图文对应性强,也就是说娃可以根据图画传达的信息而猜出英文的含义,这是英语启蒙最正宗的玩法哦~
《thank you》是一本小动物收到圣诞老人礼物的绘本。书中,5个小动物依次收到不一样的礼物,究竟是什么呢???
让我们打开看一看,翻翻书的方式,如同打开礼物的盒子。对礼物的好奇,让小朋友自己去发掘,充满乐趣,同时对圣诞节日的形式进行文化感受,Thank you便可脱口而出。
三、延伸活动方案 1、音乐活动 Our Favorite Christmas Songs for Kids - Super Simple Songs
清华幼儿英语 1a unit 12 The Chimney
2、手工活动 制作过程中穿插英文语言,让英文学习应用起来,这才是英语学习的最佳方法。
1)Let's Make a Chritmas Tree
2)Let's Make Santa
3)Let's Make a Chritmas hat Paper box Glue or double-sided tape Scissors Colored paper Cotton Rubber band
Make a hat with the colored paper Stick the cotton on the hat like the picture Tie the rubber band onto the hat
3、游戏活动 (戏剧表演在里面) The top of this box is the lid. Can you show me the top of the chimney? Thank you.
Hello, I am Santa. Look, my hat is red, my coat is red, my pants are red too. This is my bag, I'll give you a gift. Thank you. You are Santa now. These are Christmas gifts. Wow, my gift. Thank you, Santa.
Mommy:]Haha look, daddy is a red nose reindeer now.
<span]Daddy: Look at my nose. I'm a red nose reindeer.
<span]Mommy: Baby come here,put on the Santa's clothes.You're Santanow. Don't forget your bag! This]
Baby:]Mommy:Wow,my gift.Thank you Santa!
4、知识拓展(综合活动) - 打印圣诞相关物件,熟悉对应的英文,还可以配合手工游戏进行
Christmas is a Christian holiday honoring the birth of Jesus Christ. People always say "Merry Christmas"to each other to celebrate the holiday.
Santa Clause, also known as Saint Nicholas or simply Santa, is a legendary figure of Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts to he homes of well-behaved children on Christmas Eve. Santa Clause is generally sepicted as a portly, joyous, white-bearded man-wearing a red coat with white fur collar and cuffs, white-fur-cuffed red trousers, a black leather belt and boots and he carries a bag full of gifts for the children.
四、实践后的反思及总结 我家两个宝贝,我们坚持阅读,并坚持阅读三步骤,阅读,互动,生活应用,理论和实践相结合,把书本上的内容真正的转化为我们自己的宝贝。中文阅读和英文阅读,以点带面的进行拓展延伸,进行主题式的爆炸式的学习。
感谢三叶草给我们的学习机会,成为更好的自己。 |